Leafy Greens - Swedish Sponge Cloths


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This new Swedish Sponge Cloth set was Inspired by leafy greens/houseplants which are the Swiss Cheese plant, Bird of Paradise, and Eucalyptus. To remove stain instantly, use Stain Removing Soap Bar or Solid Dish Soap to rub under running water. This plant-based sponge cloth can absorb up to 3/4 of a cup of liquids, it's perfect to clean up water and tea spills, dry dishes and pots, as well as wipe countertops and other surfaces. It can replace the use of up to 17 rolls of paper towels and can be composted easily which makes it the most economical and zero waste solution! FSC Certified: Wood material is harvested from a sustainably managed forest, meaning that it's eco-friendly and sustainable. Dimension: 17 cm x 20 cm or 6.75 inch x 8 inch Care Tips Please refer to the last product image